I drove to Morris Township and arrived shortly before noon for a one o’clock game between Bergen Catholic and Delbarton. There was nothing unusual and I don’t mind arriving early for this game because BC is my alma mater and I can exchange pleasantries with people.
Shortly before one, I remember moving away from the corner of the end zone because the Bergen football team was ready to enter the field from the corner entrance and I didn’t want to be in the way.
The game was ready to begin.
What looked like the coin toss to me was a conference between the coaches and officials. Suddenly, players were leaving the field and we were told the game was being delayed fifteen minutes. It appeared a Delbarton player was getting a quick COVID test and the result would be known by then.
Just when I thought I had seen everything in this COVID season of high school football, this happened. Believe me, it was very surreal on the field.
The wait wasn’t too long and at some point the game was canceled.
It was disappointing for all involved. Bergen Catholic makes the 40-minute trip to Delbarton only to have to turn around. Players on both teams are disappointed to have a game canceled at the last minute. For everyone else, we wonder what could have been that day.
I don’t know why it happened that way. I am surprised that someone had to be tested at the last minute, but I am not going to point fingers. There are questions that need to be answered. Knowing Delbarton coach Brian Bowers through my experiences, I do not think he would try to pull a fast one.
But the game was canceled and I am not going to forget this experience: one of the most surreal in my going to high school football games.